Wednesday, August 11, 2021

What's New on Hoopla for August 2021

We have some great new titles for you to enjoy on Hoopla Digital this month! Here are some of our favorites:

by Alexandra Lapointe: Crystia is a Cloaker: an elite member of a secret society of shape shifters tasked with maintaining order in society. The problem is, Crystia never wanted the job. She was one of dozens  kids stolen from her family at a young age by the Black Coats, and genetically modified into becoming what she now is. Now she wants out, and she and the other Cloakers will do anything it takes to make it to freedom and reunite with their families.

How to Break an Evil Curse
by Laura Morrison: The first book in the new Chronicles of Fritillary series shows us why it's a really bad idea to fight with your BFF... especially if your BFF happens to be an evil wizard. The king of Fritillary learns this the hard way when his former bestie curses his firstborn daughter to die if she is ever touched by the sunlight. Of course the king decides the only way to keep Princess Juliana safe is to lock her in a dungeon... but never count a girl with a serving spoon down because after 8 years of digging a VERY big hole the princess is FINALLY free and she is off to see the world... and free herself from her curse!

Like Other Girls
by Britta Lundin: Mara did not mean to start a revolution when she tried out for the boys football team. She just wanted to get back on a team after getting kicked out of girl's basketball for fighting. It's not her fault she's really good at it, and it's not her fault four other girls joined the team, and it's DEFINITELY not her fault those four actually DO suck, but now the team, including her own brother blame her for "ruining" the team. If Mara has any hope of impressing the coach, and her crush Valentina (who just happens to be one of the 4 other girls on the team) it's up to her to whip these girls into shape and turn this team around!

by L.M. Elliot: 1960 is was not an easy year for the city of Berlin. It was politically divided, and in about a year it would be literally divided by a huge wall that would separate the city into Democracy and Communism. This division is already becoming apparent in Drew's own family, since he lives in West Berlin in an Army family, while his cousin Matthias is in East Berlin, dodging the secret police and smuggling outlawed rock music, which if he is caught with, could get him sent to a work-camp for hard labor and "re-education."

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